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Welcome to "Kill Bad Meetings"

This free survey enables you to collect information quickly about how people are experiencing meetings in your organization.

The survey will identify the costs of your meetings and how well they are prepared for and run. It will help you understand specific areas to improve and build a business case for improving the quality of your face-to-face and virtual meetings.

Many of our clients have identified opportunities to save a day a week by cutting out unnecessary and badly run meetings.

When you have completed this setup process we will send you an email that you can forward to however many of your colleagues you like.

We suggest you focus on your managerial and professional people as they tend to experience most meetings. The larger the sample you can collect, the more significant your results will be. One of our clients surveyed received responses from 1,600 of their global managers, so please feel free to select a large group.

The survey is normally open for two weeks and at the end of that time we will send you a consolidated response of the results. If we receive more than 20 responses we will also generate a free infographic to help you communicate findings to your organization.

We hope this will be the first step in you reducing the number and improving the quality of your meetings. You can see more about our approach at If you want to discuss any aspects of the survey process at this stage please contact us at